Sunday, April 12, 2009

The Many Faces of Jamie K.

Hmmmmm, maybe I should have named this The Many Faces of Jamie K. instead of the original title I came up with. Sure, we all start out in Second Life as n00bs, and hopefully we soon figure out how to edit our appearance. Of course, we aren't going to get it right the first time, but everyone has to start somewhere.

I can't find any total n00b pics of myself in SL, but maybe I didn't look hard enough. I did begin saving pics early on however, and once I edited my looks for the first time I thought I was pretty hot. What do you think?

Well?? LOL... While a definite improvement over the basic Linden "Girl Next Door" shape, the look still leaves much to be desired. No wonder I never got hit on when I first started (did I mention that I am NOT in SL for virtual sex? More on this later... )

The shape isn't bad... it just isn't exactly what I wanted. The face looks kinda weird. Maybe it's the n00b skin. Hmmmm... how will I ever afford a decent skin, such as one from Minnu or something?

First things first; I'll do what I can with what I have. The hair has GOT to go. I think it was a freebie from Calla, and I'm not sure it's even available any more (they moved since I first found them, and I'm not so sure they offered the freebies any more). At this time I had not yet discovered the freebie section at ETD, which got many an avatar a good start on SL.

Reading the fashion blogs regarding SL, I had heard of Maitreya hair, so after giving in and buying some Lindens (I had sworn that I would NEVER spend and real money in SL; how WRONG that would turn out to be! More later... ), I wandered over to see what they had to offer. I tried a few demos, and liked the Loelle style so much I bought the whole set of all colors. HUGE investment for me at the time, but money well-spent, I thought:

I was starting to buy clothes too, as I began to tire of the freebies very early in my Second Life. I never bought in to the "stripper look" that seems so prevalent here among n00bs, and since I had been reading the aforementioned fashion blogs already, I had already made up my mind to at least look respectable, if not fashion-model-like. That, I figured, would take some work, but for now... SKIN!

Okay, okay, so I did change my shape. I bought a set of skins from The GL (Good Life) after trying the demo. I was influenced by the fact that the entire set offered a very good savings over a single skin, and besides, the set came with a free shape! Yay! Free because no one would ever use it anyway... not that it was BAD or anything, but who wants to just look like another clone? This is why we spend so much on skins, hair, and clothes. If I wanted to be a clone, I would have kept my n00b look. I wanted more. MORE, I tell you!

Well, how about some new hair? At this point I knew I was hooked. Yes, Maitreya makes some nice hair. I had NO IDEA how many other brands I would discover.

What about those zombie eyes, you say? They had to go! A friend of mine recommended I take a trip with her over to Insight for some nice-looking but affordable eyes. I was overwhelmed by the assortment! I picked out some of the more realistic ones, although they have all sorts, including cat eyes (for the "Kittie People" who may be reading).

I know, I know; you can hardly even see them now. My hairstyle is almost covering them. Jamie is starting to shape up nicely though, yes? BTW, this hairstyle is a GUY hairstyle, from Armidi. I do like the shorter styles! Don't limit yourself, try guy styles. Some of them look really good on a female avi, and to be honest: I don't think I have seen ANY male hairstyles that look good on men! Methinks there *MAY* be a market for REALISTIC men's hair, meaning the short styles... SHORT, like military styles, and combed, clean-cut hairstyles. Just an observation on my part, but I have never seen what I consider to be "normal" men's hair here. Can you just picture this style on a man?? LMFAO!

But ANYWAY, I liked this look. It gave me the confidence I needed to give fashion modeling a try! More on this later; that's not the topic of today's entry.
Not one to rest on her laurels, I kept trying to improve my look. I made yet another shape, mainly changing the face this time:

Another look at it, with yet different hair (yes, I know; I am getting addicted):

I love the look of the above picture. BTW, if you hadn't noticed, I'm wearing a different skin in each of those two pics. The previous one is a MM Skin (now known as LeLutka) with hair by Magika, and the one directly above (with the longer hair) is a skin from Pulse, IIRC, and the hair is by Damselfly.

I am always changing my look, and I might have a totally different look from day to day, depending on my mood. However I have settled on a shape that I use now as standard, and I tend to use the skins from Belleza at this time, although, knowing me, that can change at any time. This is my present look, the same pic I have on my profile:

My hair in that picture is from Zero Style, one of my three favorite places to shop for hair. I also like Damselfly and Magika. I must say that Magika has new stuff coming out all the time! A lot of places seem to have the same items for months on end, but if you don't check Magika on a regular basis you'll miss out. My top is from Magika in this last pic too, BTW.

Hope everyone had a nice Easter holiday, regardless of your religious preference.

And, a resounding HOOYAH to the U.S. Navy SEALs who successfully took out the Somali pirates holding the captain of the US cargo ship Maersk Alabama! Awesome outcome to a very troublesome situation!

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