Friday, May 15, 2009

Model's Workshop

As some of you may already know, I belong to a SL group called Model's Workshop. Founded by Monica Balut, this group features open enrollment (meaning that we aren't snobbish and it's free to join). The description of this group would be best served by simply quoting from the Group Charter:

"The Model's Workshop is a group of professional SL models dedicated to helping each other be the best they can be. Its goal is to provide an atmosphere where group members are encouraged to share their knowledge, information and skills to help each other grow as models. Projects may include regular workshops, development of a resource library, holding mock shows."

Whew! I really couldn't have put it better. We have weekly seminars every Thursday at 5 pm SLT (Left Coast time), and the subject matter will vary. No one knows everything, and by sharing our knowledge with the group it serves to strengthen us all. It's also a great opportunity to make new friends and for NETWORKING, a thing of great importance in the modeling industry. Many people have commented that they got choice jobs partly because of recognition. Think about it, who would YOU hire... someone whose name and face rings a bell with you, or a virtual unknown?

Last night's meeting had to do with shoes, and who doesn't love shoes? Everyone had something to say, and several members were happy to display specific shoes from their inventories. A list is being compiled from those who responded to the request to submit a notecard detailing our favorite makers, and I will post that list here, with landmarks, as soon as I get my hands on it.

I will be leading next week's discussion, which will be on prims and their adjustment. If you would like to meet me and the members, or if you just think you have something pertinent to add, please do an in-world search for Model's Workshop. If you have room for another group, feel free to join so that you'll receive our notices. If you DON'T have room, make some! I think you'll enjoy the friendly interaction we have to offer.

Oh, before I forget... we are sponsoring an impromptu modeling competition. It will enable members to become involved in all phases of organizing and running a show, as well as being able to participate in it. This is a plus for those with little or no runway experience, and is one way to gain a bit of confidence before venturing out in the "real" world. I only wish I had announced this sooner, but we already have 15 models who are going to participate, and the auditions have now been closed. Not to worry; we will be doing this again, so please join us, and see what we're all about!

More info on this show to follow as the details unfold. Tentative date for the show is Sunday May 31 at 4pm SLT.

The show will be held at THIS location.

Our regular meetings are held HERE in case you want to stop in next Thursday. We will be happy to add you to the group.

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